
Thursday, March 8, 2012

{pure joy}

{let everything that has breath praise the Lord}
psalm 150:6

i'm not sure how to put the last 2 weeks of life into proper words. pure joy. unexpected new chapters.  hearing the tenderness of the holy spirit lead and being obedient. restored old chapters. blessings. travel plans out west for an epic trip of a lifetime. friendships deepening and flourishing. travel plans to haiti.  what a blessing of a season. God is knocking my socks off with the depths of His love in the best way possible.  i'm doing my best to relish in the gratitude of every small thing and very excited where this season of life is heading...

these images from pinterest put it the best way possible. 
good words. beautiful color. my heart and soul drawn out.
{let everything that has breath praise the Lord}
psalm 150:6 

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