
Monday, April 16, 2012

{love does :: a new book by bob goff :: whimsy included}

hellooooo lovely pages
the UPS lady arrived just before lunch today with a fantabulous surprise delivery.
the first mention i heard of the author, bob goff, was while reading "a million miles in a thousand years" by donald miller. now don't get me wrong, the whole of miller's book was fabulous, but there was something that i couldn't get didn't want to get past in the words written about this man, bob goff, and his family.  

the spirit of life, depth of joy, and breadth of love was something that my heart and soul resonated with right away.  i wanted the whimsy.  i wanted the "cup overfloweth" of life that bob lived.  i didn't want to sit on the sidelines anymore waiting for life to happen. i wanted to count to 3 and jump off the dock fully clothed too! (you'll have to read to book to get that one)

i started following bob in the social media world and i've been so encouraged, challenged, and enlightened by his 140 characters.  his love for uganda and to find true justice there... his love does just that there and all around the world. his apparent love for others does. this all shines through in 140 characters and others words who's lives have been touched by bob. i believe 18923.8989% that God uses people in our lives to speak His truth and grow us... and i can't wait to see what words from bob that God uses in my life.  

i strive to be a person that does love and does it well... and i fail and always will, but Jesus makes that type of love possible still.  i dream of that crazy type of (sometimes silly and over the top) loving and want my life to be full of it.  i want to continue living OUT my faith. not just owning it, but doing it.  i want to love like Jesus REALLY loved.  the love to the least deserving that made most people call Him crazy.  i don't want to take "the church" in america at face value if it's not the ridiculous type of love that Jesus called us to.  i want to truly be salt and light to a world that always has, and always will, miss the mark.  our world is so desperately in need of that type of love.  we need it in our families, to our neighbors, and to the grumpy lady in line at the grocery.  yes even she needs that type of love.  i want to be a bright light of jesus' abundant love to a dark world.  even if it means it's unpopular, risky, or even hard.  Jesus didn't say this life would be easy following Him, but He did say He'd be with us every step of the way.  i want to walk in the Spirit and "walk in love."

as i sat today at lunch in the sunshine at our old picnic table behind our office, reading the forward and intro out loud to my sweet mama and soaking in the warm rays of spring in NC, my soul started stirring...

i'm excited to dive in and read these pages by bob.  i'll let you know how this adventure of a read goes... but one thing i'm certain, regardless of any words is that...
 simple. as. that.


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