
Monday, April 2, 2012

{mission of hope :: haiti bound}

i am currently sitting in the charlotte airport waiting for my flight for miami.  our final destination tomorrow = haiti.  mission of hope to be exact.  to say i'm pumped to spend the week before easter, passion week, in haiti, would be a gross understatement. 
 this will be my first time in haiti, but i've been wanting to go for a long time, so when the opportunity arose a few weeks ago to tag along with my church for a vision trip to plan for a larger trip in the fall and for me to shoot some photos and video to help promote, i jumped at the chance as fast as i could.
... and i can't even begin to describe the peace and joy i have felt surrounding this trip.  the last month of my life has been full of ways that i have been floored for God's love.  i recently was bold enough to pray a prayer asking to see God's loving hand in the details of my life and the answer to that prayer has been anything BUT disappointing.  i have felt at times almost knocked down by the sheer volume of how i've been able to see God's love tangibly in my life.  i double dog DARE YOU to pray that prayer and believe it will be answered.  i have no doubt that God finds great joy in allowing us to see His love in the in's and out's, the everyday of our lives...
the opportunity of this trip to haiti is one of those blessings of seeing His love tangibly.  i've known of mission of hope since early last year when their "grow hope in haiti" tour rolled through charlotte in the beloved "tap tap"... aka bread truck turned touring van.  sort of. regardless it was beyond awesome.  i had the opportunity to sit down with some of the MOH guys at a dear family's house and hear about haiti and their hearts for the people there and the work that MOH is doing in restoring haiti.  restoring hope.  i was overwhelmed by what MOH is doing and loving the people of haiti so well.  i've been wanting to get down there ever since and here i am... headed there...  overwhelmed with gratitude.    
so for the next few days i will spend my time in port au prince.  seeing the city, seeing mission of hope, the orphanage, the school, the medical clinic, the food program, worship alongside the beautiful people of haiti, and casting vision for our team that will go later this year... AND i just happen to have brought my camera with me!  woop woop.  can't wait to show you some of haiti and share stories of my time there.
as i prepare for my time there, i can't help but think of what's coming this friday.  good friday now, but what a devastating friday in jesus' day when they didn't fully understand the depths of what was occuring.  a day i will forever live in gratitude of.  a day where my Savior bridged the gap between my desperate need and our Father's love for a fallen world.  as i travel to haiti i can't help, but feel the desperation of their need after their country has been destroyed by the earthquake.  a country that is experiencing restoration , experiencing the love of our Father, experiencing an amazing hope that one day all things will be right.  as i ponder these things during this passion week, i'm grateful that Sunday is coming...  He is risen.  He is risen indeed and one day ALL things will be right.

until that day... we love.

1 comment:

  1. Praying that your mission of hope is mission accomplished. Amazing photos. God answers prayer for sure! I took on your double dog dare:)

    Jessie Lynn
