i work in customer service in the insurance industry. my job is not something i've touched on here at this blog, but i thought it was about time. i need a little outlet for venting, speaking, writing about my job. i am an account executive (pretty title) for an insurance agency. this is definitely not what i went to school for. i majored in recreation, parks, & tourism with a concentration in leisure services management, with a hopes of working in management at some great non-profit organization, but as you can see, i'm not there... and for now, i am completely okay with that. i was just telling e the other day that i know i am where i am supposed to be right now. it's definitely not a glamorous job, or the most fun job, or honestly really that great pay, but it's a job and it's a job that i am completely blessed to have. i have great co-workers, a great working environment, and bosses that are honest in their work and truly care about the well being of their employees and customers.
i'm thankful for my job.
most days the phone calls i get are from people who are not happy, they have money struggles, unfortunate auto accidents, deaths of loved ones, questions about policies that they just completely don't understand and it's my job to do my best to make them at ease by the time i hang up the phone.
just yesterday i got a call from a man whose wife died over the weekend and he is just now finding out that she's been paying for their irresponsible 31 year old son's insurance who is unemployed and has a horrendous driving record and has been costing them thousands of dollars a year. so my job was to talk to a man who is in the first stages of grief of losing his wife, who knows that he is struggling in this economy, is angry, and that is basically finding out that they have no money. it's hard folks. these are not fun conversations to have, but my job is to help him, to have compassion, and to do my best to make things okay. to allow him to be frustrated and not take it personally, to speak kind words, and ultimately assure this man that it will be okay... maybe not right away, but it will be okay.
i could easily go home everyday discouraged and down in the dumps after hearing for the four hundredth time that someone cannot pay their auto insurance because they have lost their job, but the Lord has blessed me in the fact that most days, at least one person calls me upset and ends up being happy. happy because i have helped them and some days have saved them a good amount of money that will allow them or their family to continue to live life or just as simple as help them understand and answer their questions.
and in this economy... i am thankful to have a job.
ohhh. & it also helps that these cute faces just happen to be in my office today.

Well, it sounds like you are right about it being where you need to be. It definitely takes a special person to handle those situations - sounds like you are doing a great job. And I think you're right - it's good to have a job. I have been looking for 3 months for a job (which should have been pretty easy) - it's such a slow process.
I like the way you write from your heart. It is really easy to read. I am amazed how our jobs are so similar. It really does take a special person to do what you do and those people you talk to are blessed by your understanding and words that are connected to your faith. God Bless.
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