my apologies for being slightly m.i.a. this week. or at least i feel completely m.i.a. from this blog.
we lost luke earlier this week, work's been crazy, i'm dog sitting for the parents while they are out of town, 2 bible studies this week, my "lady emotions" are off the wall this week, spent last night in the ER with the sister while the dr's & nurses tried figuring out what's going on with the grandma & sat at the hospital for most of the day today, back to work now, & have finally hit the wall & am in dire need of a nap... BUT... i'm off tomorrow though for a weekend here... 

e's sister is getting married this weekend!!! i'm so happy for her sister & her soon to be hubby & am looking forward to a weekend away in the mountains with my 2nd family.
sorry for my little venting session & i promise to be back reallly soon. i think i'm just in need of a slight "check out" of reality for a few days.
stay tuned...
Sounds like you need a break! Hope things brighten up for you soon! I've missed your posts!
im sorry for your lose :(
i am happy to hear u get to get away though... that is the best when shit hits the fan.
hang in there sister! I'm thinking about you! have a great time at the wedding! :)
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