the mission & vision of Advance & Forest Hill Church
"to reach & transform students into servants of Jesus Christ"

over the last few months i've felt the quiet,
but stern nudge in my heart to serve at my church.
at first the fear of serving was simply overwhelming, but then God reminded me that He didn't give me a spirit of fear (2 timothy 1:7) & that if He's called me to do something i need to listen. after prayerfully considering & listening intently, i finally decided to be obedient to that nudge & signed up to volunteer to be a leader in the youth ministry at forest hill. last night was the kickoff of that ministry, Advance >> & let me just tell you how encouraged i was!
about 400 middle & high school kids & staff showed up to hear about Jesus & worship & fellowship together. ryan carson, Advance's student ministry pastor, challenged all of us on what it looks like to be followers of this amazing guy we know as Jesus, our Lord & Savior, and reminded us of the Great Commission -Matthew 28:18-20 - to go & make disciples of ALL nations.
i'm so excited for the school year to come!! this week i will be assigned a small group of girls that will be my little posse for the upcoming year :) they will all be in one grade somewhere between 7th - 12th. i just pray that the Lord could use me somehow in these girl's lives. we have a generation coming up that needs guidance, that needs to be loved & cared for & i pray that i can at least be allowed to be some of that for them!
so excited for what the Lord has in store & praying
that relationships will be built with these girls!
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