"i have learned that something happens when one makes herself available to God: He starts moving in ways no one could imagine. God began doing things in me, around me and through me as I offered myself to Him. I began each day saying, "Okay, Lord, what would you have me do today? Whom would you have me help today?" And then I would allow Him to show me. I would like to say that I had all kinds of great ideas about what I wanted to do and how I wanted to do it. I would like to say my ministry was born out of a carefully thought-out plan. These things simply aren't true, though. I was walking through life one moment at a time, blown away by what God would do through me if I simply said yes."
-excerpt from "Kisses from Katie"
i said "yes" and i have fallen in love...
with Haiti.
i know i haven't blogged much this year, but i'm going to make it a goal of mine next year to start writing again. i've experienced and processed A LOT this year and haven't shared most of it here. now instagram may be another story as i feel like that's been my mini blog for 2012, but i miss writing. i miss dumping out what's floating around in my brain and processing it through the art of "wordsmithing."
i was blessed beyond measure to have the opportunity to go to Haiti THREE times this year and i'm going back in February to take another team from my church. the first opportunity to say "yes" to Haiti presented itself earlier this year, seemingly out of nowhere and without hesitation i jumped on board and said "yes," and this seemed to happen for july and november too. each trip was not in my "plan" per say but the opportunity arose and out of obedience i said "yes" and i was beyond blessed.. each time that i traveled to Haiti this year, the experience was uniquely different, but one thing is for sure...i developed a love Haiti relationship. (you can thank MOH for that fun statement. i even have a tshirt that says it... or maybe 2 :)
i love Mission of Hope and am grateful for the vision God has given them to serve and come alongside the people of Haiti. it has been wonderful to gain an understanding of the Haitian people and their beautiful culture. their seemingly slow pace of life, deep community, amazing worship even in the tough circumstances... and the kids! oh the kids, i love the kids. they come out of the wood work when we head into different villages and i love it. they're so open just to love on you and play with you even when we don't speak the same language.
i'm so excited for this journey the Lord has me on and i can't wait to spend more time in Haiti in 2013. for now here are a few photos from my time spent in Haiti last month.
my morning view every day. beauty, beauty, beauty.

glorious!!! that's the ocean and the mountains ya'll., another one of the phenomenal MOH views.

our team touring the MOH Bercy campus where MOH has a school now, but will eventually be home to a resort that MOH has plans to build that will provide Haitian jobs and an elderly care facility as well.

the church in leveque that will be finished soon!

my wonderful team.

we had a wonderful work day in the warehouse putting together new chairs and cleaning. the warehouse will also be home to all the MOH offices as of January 2013! can't wait to see it all in action when i head back in Feburary.

i got to make CHALKBOARD SIGNS for the warehouse aisles. seriously?!? what a blessing to be able to be crafty in Haiti.

ya'll... Haiti is BEYOND beautiful!

playing a little kick the can in one of the villages.
nothing like being invited in to a family's home and them cutting down coconuts for all the blancs (aka white people) one of the best experiences hands down.
His promises remain.
the team painting houses in leveque.
heading into another village. glad i'm not afraid of heights!

patty cake is most definitely universal.

precious lovies.

a happy new homeowner in leveque.

me and my mama with this sweet ray of sunshine. (yes my MOM got to come!! so grateful) Jesus just leaked out of this little lady as soon as she walked by. the smile on her face was unmistakable and i hate we didn't get that in a photo. what a blessing she was.

Glory in the Highest!!! Creation most definitely reveals God's majesty and Haiti's open skies blow my mind every morning and night! what a beautiful reminder that God is with us.
i pray you and your family have a VERY MERRY CHRISTMAS!
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