can you believe we've almost made it through our first month of the Photo 366 challenge? i can't! it's been so fun to see everyone's interpretations of the february prompts and we hope you're loving it as much as we are! remember, if you are an "instagramer," at anytime you simply touch the #febphoto366 hashtag (or #marchphoto366 in the future) and you can see ALL the pictures that people have posted through instagram for our little photo challenge.
so without further ado... let me introduce you to MARCH!
we would LOVE if you would blog, tweet (@photo_366) , facebook ( and help us get the word out this month.
we just posted a few of our favorites from february on our facebook page... are any of your pictures there? feel free to check it out, "like us," and tag yourself in your photo. kuddos to you little photographers... you deserve it! more favorites to come from the rest of the month!
i'm so proud of this little project and i love having all of you get passionate about your photography, even if it is just with your phone, and seeing the beauty in your every day!!

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