Wednesday, July 9, 2008

i found him!

so i saw nickel creek earlier this spring... or was it fall??... goodness gracious how time flies. anywho. i saw them on their farewell tour here in charlotte & haven't kept up with where they all went since nickel creek took an "indefinite break." my mom & i were listening to them in the car the other day on the way to the gym (she's my gym buddy now that LA is gone to asheville :( ) & it prompted the conversation of "i wonder what they're doing now..." so i looked &..

i found chris thile!

haha. well... he was just the 1st one i stumbled across & then i ran out of time, & that's okay because he's pretty much a musical genius ...but i found out he has a new group called the punch brothers & man am i excited!!! there is this lovely little music player on their site that you can click & listen to them while you work or do whatever you do during your day.

can i drive to the mountains right now, please so i can listen to their whole cd without interruption??? please, oh pretty please? mountain driving is my favorite time to listen to this type of music. hmmmpph. i guess i'll just have to wait until september when we head up to beech again.

definitely check these guys out.
happy hump day!

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