last night was family dinner night @ the sister's house
i got to spend the evening with a little...
fort building

watching the lil' one be a wild woman
& making sure she didn't hit the floor
when she threw herself backwards in papa's arms
this one's headed to the ER folks... she's OOC & so much fun!
this one's headed to the ER folks... she's OOC & so much fun!

there's nothing like complete toy chaos after mommy
has cleaned it up multiple times already that day.
it looked much better after we played &
super sister :) did a fantastic cleaning job!

it's definitely not family dinner night without a little vino! nothing better than some dinosaur chicken least for the nieces
got to love on my babies who are growing WAY too fast!!

now tonight will consist of celebrating a sweet friend's birthday
& getting to hear mr. matt wertz in concert.
this will be a great end to a slight cuh-razy week!

I love the picture of the kids in the blanket fort. I just posted a story on my blog last week about making these forts. Check it out.
I saw Matt Wertz for free at a community center when I was in college--probably five years ago now. He was A-MAZING. Enjoy the show!
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