as of today i have officially lost 12 lbs.
i'm super encouraged & i feel great! the program that i'm on is the Ultra Lite Weight Loss Program. it's a lifestyle change of eating & portion control. a perfect balance of proteins & carbs during the weight loss period that's extremely effective.
my fear before i started this was that i wouldn't be able to do it, i wouldnt' be able to abstain, i would be unsatisified with the food that i could eat & to be completely honest... none of that has been true. this last week i've never been really hungry, i'm learning how to cook fresh veggies in different ways & they are REALLY yummy. my grill has gotten a really good workout these last 2 weeks. the one thing that i do miss is the coffee & i think that's just more a comfort thing than anything.
i'm finding that i have more energy, i'm not really tired, i'm not needing as much sleep & overall just feel really good!!
i hope i can encourage anyone out there that struggle with weight issues that you can overcome. try shopping in the produce section & see how you feel! it definitely pays to think twice about what we are feeding our bodies.
"take your everday life - your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, & walking-around life - & place it before God as an offering"
-romans 12:1 (the message)
love the picture!
12 lb!!! Whoop whoop look at you girl! When need to go hiking sometime :)
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