Friday, December 11, 2009

happy 2nd bloggiversary!

{this week marks my 2nd bloggiversary}
and what better way to celebrate than with a giveaway!!
this is my little way just to say thank you to everyone who stops by this little space.  this blog has taken so many twists and turns right along with my life over the last two years and i've loved every minute of it!!  so as a HUGE thank you to all my committed readers, i'm giving away a few of my favorite things from 2009 to say

1. one set of the BLUES Baggu X 3
2.  one 18oz Classic Kleen Kanteen in Tree Bark

3.  one *Shey*[B] ruffled black & white damask camera strap with padding
4.  one pair of orange glass drop earrings from Olivia Plum Jewelry

5.  one $15 gift certificate to the vintage pearl

and i've saved the BEST for last!!
6.  one pair of Mountain Khakis of your choice (womens, mens, or kids)

{how to win}
{and no, you don't have to be a blogger to win}

1 entry - leave a comment on this post letting me know which item (you can choose 1 item or all 6 if you'd like) that you would like to win and make sure to leave your email address so i can contact you. 
 if you have a blog let me know that too so i can come love on you!!

1 additional entry - come follow me on twitter @livelaughloveaw...  if we're already ready friends over there then TWEET AWAY! maybe something like this.."@livelaughloveaw is having an AH-mazing giveaway. come check it out!"

you want 1 more entry??  - blog about it on your blog & let all your readers in on the fun!

that's it!  
GOOD LUCK & i'll be choosing the 
winners next wednesday morning, december 16th, 2009.



Nicole Faby said...

Oh I love baggu!! Definitly one of my favorites on the list!! :) I can always use more!!

Nicole Faby said...

I tweeted about you too!

Nicole Faby said...

I blogged too!

Lynsey said...

Oh I love them all. So hard to choose but I really love the vintage pearl necklaces. Our blog is:
email: lynsey{.}petree{@}gmail{.}com

Mrs.Grits said...

I would love the earrings!
I'm also going to tweet about you!

Mrs.Grits said...

And my blog is:

Anonymous said...

You're so sweet to do this! #1 and #5 please. Mom

Meredith Morris said...

April, I love reading your blog. You're an inspirational young lady! :) Happy 2 years to your blog!

heabah said...

Happy Bloggiversary! I'm always trying to find interesting blogs to read...Thanks for the facebook plug.


Anonymous said...

Happy Bloggiversary April! What a fabulous idea.... The khakis would be a perfect gift for my very rugged (or tries to be) hubby. :) I will tweet and would love to have you as a guest blogger. Let's chat about this sometime.


Anonymous said...

yo yo sista! I want #3, 5 & 6 please. Thanks!

House of Smiths said...

Ooo! i love your blog! You totally inspire me with all your cute quotes!
I LOVE ALL of this stuff.. but I REALLY love the shey B. strap. It's SO SO SO CUTE!
Keeping my fingers crossed!

House of Smiths said...

K, I don't EVEN tweet, but I started an account so I could get an extra entry! haha

House of Smiths said...

Blogged about it on my family blog too!

Unknown said...

April!!! Happy Blogaversary! LOVE LOVE LOVE your blog. Always so inspirational.

I would love to win the camera strap!!! Or the Vintage pearl necklaces are so wonderful as well. All great gifts!!

Love & miss you.

Jeff and Alyssa Hertzler said...

OOOO, I can't decide. It's all so great. What cool stuff. Just stopped by to have a look at your blog on the recommendation of my friend Shelley. Super inspirational stuff you got going on. I blog, but it's just boring family stuff. www(.)hertzlerfamily(.) lumpy64(at)hotmail(.)com

Anonymous said...

I love your blog sweet friend! I'd love to enter for the plum jewelry earrings and vintage pearl gift certificate! Happy blogiversary :)

meredith j :)

Megan & Stephen said...

Hey girl! I would love 3,4,and 5 but especially number 3. You know I love ya and your blog. Have a great day! ~ Meg

Anonymous said...

Your are super sweet for offering these gifts to everyone! Though i'm not surprised bc that is just aw being aw!!! Your blog always amaizes me with all the spectacular pictures that you take, great stories, inspiring quotes and bible verses, and your intellectual and/or random thoughts. I hope to win the camera strap bc it reminds me of you. I'm going to post your blog on fb too! Merry Christmas Lovely!!! Love, A

Lauren H said...

Oh my April, how I love thee :) You are always inspiring, almost everyday when I get to work I check your blog! Miss your face and I would love that super cool camera strap because it reminds me of you, seeing it in all of your pics from the mountains :) love you!

Marcela said...

Happy Bloggiversary!! Hooray..I saw you won at 320 and I decided to visit.

I would love, love, LOVE the camera strap!!! SOOO CUTE!!!


Kathie B. said...

happy bloggiversary! they are all choice gifts; if I won by some random chance, I;d have to let you decide. btw, I found you via the Project 320 blog :)

Brad, Brooke, Abigayle, Rebekah and Indy said...

It's a tie...I'm now intrigued by the Mountain Khakis & I love the vintage pearl! I found you by way of Project 320!

Molly said...

Love the pearl jewelry.

Molly Doughty

Unknown said...

I love the earrings or the necklace but would be excited to have any of them (other than the MKs of course ;)!) Glad to see this is going well for you! Gonna give you a tweetout (like a shoutout) too!

Heather @ Life Made Lovely said...

Congratulations on your blogiversary!
Oh how I love the ruffly goodness in the Shey B camera strap. That's what I'd pick if I were so lucky.

Gina said...

I seriously could find a use for all 6 items! Love the earrings especially though.

Gina said...

I follow you on twitter and made a tweet:

Kylie Larsson said...

All six would be nice, but since it's Christmas time, I won't be greedy! :P