Tuesday, January 26, 2010

{your brain thinks in words, your soul thinks in music}

i've been in serious need for some new music in my life
recently and i found 3 great answers for my "problem"
this first album is an amazing collaberation of well-known talent
& 100% of the proceeds go to support Haiti.  it's $7.99 on itunes and
 this is a great way to support haiti and you  you get 20 great songs. 
click here to buy on itunes.

this one i've told you about before, but i'm completely serious. 
you MUST buy this!  she is just brilliant.  easily one of my all time
favorite female artists & this album is so full of emotion.  i'm currently
listening through it for the first time.  incredible.  click here to buy on itunes.

and the last one is as equally exciting than the first two. the lovely
patty griffin released, what my sweet friend, emily lynch, would
call "her best album yet!"  it's a doozy.  click here to buy on itunes.


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