oh i'm
loving these fun things on
etsytoday so i thought i would share them!
click the + below each picture to
check them out in their etsy shop.
well hello mr. penguino! you're pretty cute.

how about some reinbird tags for your pretty presents?

is that your wine glass or mine?

pretty little pottery... oh how i love thee!

a little something to dazzle em'

& some cranberry droplets to decorate your lobes

a little place to rest your busy self during the holiday season

...& this is just plain funny
Hey April! I luhhhh-huvvv Etsy! It's awesome! I bought earrings from there last year, they're my favorite. I knew you had good taste! :-)
awh~ the people at etsy are really amazing. great finds! loving the reindeers and earring!
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